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The Museum opened on Family Day with new exhibits in the Gallery, “Sitting Pretty” and “Pipes and Progress”.   Over the last week we have seen over 300 people view the interesting history of the toilet as well as water works in Strathroy-Caradoc.  Getting the word out has helped immensely, London Free Press, Strathroy Age Dispatch and MyFM have all interviewed Museum staff.  You can find the London Free Press article here

Here are a few snap shot of the exhibits in the gallery.  Come to 34 Frank to see more.


Continuing on the theme of getting the word out, the Museum’s Collection Storage Facility was highlighted in the Strathroy Age Dispatch on Feb. 24th 2011.  There was a full-page spread including 5 photographs showing items within the collection and a great write-up by Alana Power. 

Come and visit Museum Strathroy-Caradoc and learn about privy digging, outhouses, sewers, and reservoirs. 

See you soon.

About the Museum

Museum Strathroy-Caradoc opened to the public in 1972. As a community museum we strive to preserve and tell the story of Strathroy-Caradoc, and inspire residents to explore and understand the community around them.

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